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Our Plan

Our Plan


  • Provide help for the needy 
  • Provide education for needy but brilliant students in poorer communities.
  • Improve medical services and social amenities in disadvantaged areas.
  • Raise funding and build a network of individuals and organisations to advance the vision.


  • Offer scholarships to needy children especially orphans and destitute of school going age from nursery to the tertiary level, depending on one’s academic ability.
  • Offer technical or vocational training to those who are technically or artistically gifted but not academically oriented.
  • Provide accommodation for the children who are facing challenges living with their foster parents or guardians as well those who live in deplorable conditions.
  • Assist single mothers who have been widowed or without husbands to acquire skills in productive areas such as basketry, dressmaking hairdressing, agro-processing and petty trading.
  • Provide medical services assistance to needy groups within the community.

Sources of Funding

Funds for the Foundation are mainly provided by Eastwood Anaba Ministries-UK and benevolent individuals.


  • Needy children from infancy to such a time that they would have attained the necessary education/training to become self-sufficient.
  • Children who have lost either both parents through death or one parent
  • Where the extended family is not in a position to cater for the education due to financial constraints.
  • Destitute or street children whose parents cannot either be traced or are incapable of catering for the needs of the children.
  • In the area of education the recipient must show willingness or have flair for academic pursuit and high performance.